Valentine’s day is going to end tomorrow!

EN : Valentine’s Day event is going to end tomorrow in the morning, hurry up and eat the remaining omelette with your soulmate today!
FR : L’event de la St Valentin se terminera demain matin, dĂ©pĂȘchez-vous et mangez les omelettes restantes avec votre Ăąme-soeur aujourd’hui !
BR :Â Â O evento de Dia dos Namorados acabarĂĄÂ amanhĂŁ de manhĂŁ, apresse-se e coma o omelete restante com sua alma gĂȘmea hoje!
ES : Evento DĂa de San ValentĂn se va a acabar mañana por la mañana, date prisa y comer la tortilla que queda con su actual compañero del alma!
TR : Sevgililer GĂŒnĂŒ etkinliÄi yarın sabah sona erecek, acele edin ve bugĂŒn ruh ikinizle geriye kalan omleti bitirin!
We hoped you enjoyed it and you can share your thoughts about this event HERE.